Honing Your Skills and Knowledge as an Adult

Everything You Need To Know About Becoming A Life Coach

If you are the friend that everyone calls for good advice, you can put that skill to work as a life coach. Regardless of your current work status or background, becoming a certified life coach may be just the change you need to feel fulfilled.

What is a life coach?

A life coach is a professional that helps clients identify and reach their personal goals. A life coach can help clients achieve fitness, spiritual, educational, or even dating goals. 

What skills does a life coach need?

First and foremost, life coaches love to help people. They enjoy guiding clients through their decision-making process and helping to provide clarity. Life coaches are great motivators for their clients offering encouragement, advice, and support through the ups and downs of achieving their goals.  

What does a life coach do exactly?

While both therapists and life coaches talk through issues that their client is having, a life coach strives to help their client develop a concrete plan and then touches base with them to ensure that the goals discussed are being met. Life coaches motivate their clients to keep making forward progress to achieve their dreams.

Are there different types of life coaches?

There are many different types of life coaches. Depending on your strengths and interests, you can become a certified life coach in many areas, including:

  • Sobriety and addiction. According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, almost 15 million people in the United States over the age of 12 have Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). If addiction is an area that you are drawn to, becoming an addiction or sobriety life coach will help you guide people with AUD.
  • Diet and fitness. From weight loss to living gluten-free, there are so many areas of health, diet, and fitness that can benefit from a life coach. If you have dealt with food intolerance, succeeded at losing weight, or accomplished a major fitness goal, you can use what you learned to motivate others. 
  • Business. Climbing the corporate ladder is a struggle for many people, and they need their own personal cheerleader. A life coach can help clients set career goals and map out a plan to reach C-level status.

While some life coaches choose to specialize, there are many who also prefer to work as general life coaches and just help their clients with whatever issues may arise. 

Do you need a degree to be a life coach?

While there is no requirement that a life coach attends college, having a background in the area that you wish to specialize in is helpful. It would be difficult to guide a client about their spirituality without any knowledge on the subject or to encourage a client to become a digital nomad without understanding what that entailed. 

Do life coaches need to be certified?

While there is no federal or state requirement for life coaching certification, it is important to the growth of your life coaching business. Clients want to work with a person who is certified. It not only gives you an air of authority and expertise but it also puts the client at ease, knowing their life is in good hands. 

If you want to make an impact on the lives of others, consider getting a life coach certification. Call today to talk about getting certified as a life coach. 
